Wednesday, 13 August 2008

the art of conversation #2.

TOM, EMMA and JACK are all in the park discussing a birthday party.

TOM: I can't believe how wasted I got.
EMMA: I know, I was dead this morning.
JACK: Did you see the state of Jason?
TOM: Wasn't he sick?
JACK: Yeah, he threw up everywhere man, his mum had to pick him up.
EMMA: Poor guy.
TOM: To be fair, it was his fault for drinking so much.
EMMA: True, did you see the state Terry was in?
TOM: I think I might have fell asleep by then.
EMMA: She got naked and went in the pool!
TOM: I'm glad I missed that.
JACK: She was barely wearing anything to begin with.
EMMA: I know, her mum picked out her outfit, I'd never let mine do that.
TOM: I heard Chris shit himself last night too.
JACK: Oh god, really?
TOM: Yeah, it proper stunk too.
EMMA: Well he was barely eating solid food.
TOM: I know, might explain it.
JACK: It was nice of his parents to throw him that party mind.
EMMA: Yeah, the cake was delicious.
TOM: Ah well, looks like its time to go, I'll see you later guys.
EMMA: See you.

Three mums appear and take their babies home.

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